Marine Batteries
Whenever you take to the water, you and your vessel are immediately in a vulnerable position which is why you need a battery you can trust.
Unlike automotive batteries which are usually charged by the alternator whilst the engine is running, marine batteries are not only required to provide sufficient starting power for high compression engines but also deliver power for onboard accessories even when the boat engine is switched off and the battery is being drained.
Understand the requirements of your onboard accessories to ensure you have sufficient power to start your engine and get you safely back to shore.
At GK’S Batteries we discuss with you about your requirements and what you want to achieve out of your battery and size up a battery to suit.

We have a large range of Marine and Deep Cycle batteries for you to choose from.
Built with using Plate lock technology to combat wave pounding and engine vibration, with extra thick battery plates and active material for extra starting power and reserve capacity, these batteries are designed for you to get the most from your boat.
GK’S Batteries friendly staff will have you out on the water having fun with the family whether it be water skiing, wake- boarding, jet skiing or fishing again in no time.
Call into GK’S Batteries Solar & Auto Toowoomba and get the right Marine Advice.